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Contact Us

Trumpington Park

Primary School

Meridian Trust

Trumpington Park Primary is part of Meridian Trust:


            Meridian Trust

            Company Number: 7552498


            Gibraltar Lane



            CB24 4RS

            T  01223 491600


About Meridian Trust:

Meridian Trust is a successful multi-academy trust (MAT) founded on its commitment to people and communities. 

Its mission is to deliver, promote and inspire high quality educational provision in schools at the heart of their local communities so that:

  • Every child is a successful learner, confident individual and responsible and employable citizen.
  • Every school is a hub for community activities, a centre for extended services and a source of immense pride for students, their families, and other local stakeholders.

Every child is known, equally valued and supported to achieve their potential in all the academies.  Every community the Trust serves, benefits from the facilities and services provided.

Staff benefit from strong networks, excellent career opportunities and a human approach where they are equally valued and supported.

The Trust ensures that well-run schools retain and develop their distinct contextual identity, while sharing and contributing to common values, practices, curriculum approaches and operational systems.

The Meridian Trust values are:

  • Valuing People

A curriculum that is flexible enough to meet the needs of every individual learner.

  • High-Quality Learning Environment

Through the curriculum, students develop a lifelong love of learning and the necessary skills to be a resilient, confident and independent learner.

  • The Pursuit of Excellence

An academically rigorous curriculum that stretches and challenges all students and develops aspiration.

  • Extending the Boundaries of Learning

Provide a breadth of experience through the curriculum and beyond, including an entitlement for all students to educational visits and other activities that enhance and extend the curriculum, including providing a range of opportunities for spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) education that instil the values of the trust and society more widely.

  • Achievement For All

A curriculum that supports all students to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in Modern Britain and to maximise their potential in public examinations.
