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Contact Us

Trumpington Park

Primary School


If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below. 

If you are considering Trumpington Park Primary School for your child, we would love to show you our school so that you can get a feel for who we are and what we do.


Visits are scheduled for:

Monday 23rd September 2pm

Thursday 3rd October 2pm

Tuesday 22nd October 5pm


All children have the opportunity to visit the school in the summer term before admission in September.  In line with Local Authority policy, we have one main intake a year to our Foundation Stage classes and admission depends upon the availability of places.


Admissions for Reception Class 2025


Children are admitted to the Foundation Stage classes in the September prior to their fifth birthday.  The admissions criteria are set by the Local Authority who is also responsible for allocating places.  See below for documents about admissions and also the criteria for allocation of places in the case of oversubscribed places.

Applications can be made via the Cambridge County Council website or through contact by telephone, fax or email:


Telephone: 0345 045 1370
Fax: 01223 727 941
