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Trumpington Park

Primary School


Reception Documents and Links:


Please find some documents and links which Mrs Gorman and Miss Townsend have prepared to give you more information.  We hope you find these useful.

This term we are learning:

Curriculum Overview Spring 2024


Early Years Foundation Stage Overview:


In EYFS, children learn through play based activities that are both adult guided and child initiated. The activities are planned both indoors and outdoors to meet the needs of every individual child through a wide variety of learning experiences.


The EYFS is made up of seven areas of learning and development. All areas are connected to one another and are equally important.

The three prime areas are:

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Communication and Language

Physical Development


The four specific areas are:



Understanding the World

Expressive Arts and Design


Fundamental to the Early Years curriculum are the Characteristics of Effective Learning, which are the ways in which a child engages with other people and their environment and how they are motivated to become an effective learner.

These areas underpin the Early Years Curriculum:

Playing and Exploring

Active Learning

Creating and Thinking Critically


In Reception we strive to provide the children with rich learning experiences and resources to become confident and independent learners.
