Phonics and Spelling
We have become a Little Wandle Champion School!
This means our school has met 16 Standards of Excellence in the teaching of early reading and phonics. We will now have other schools coming to see Little Wandle in action at our school and share the wonderful work our staff and children are doing. We are very proud to be part of this fantastic network of Champion Schools across the country.
Information about the Teaching of Phonics at Trumpington Park Primary School:
Phonics is the name given to the process of learning the sounds, names and shapes of the letters that make up the English language. There are 44 different sounds, made up of singular or groups of letters. Some of these sounds then have a variety of ways of writing them down.
At Trumpington Park Primary School children in Reception and Year 1 are taught phonics daily following Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised progression. We use decodeable texts to embed the learning of phonics into reading development.
There is some key vocabulary that both children and adults use: Phoneme – the smallest unit of sound a letter, or group of letters makes. Grapheme – the written shape of a phoneme Digraphs and Trigraphs – two or three letters making one sound Blend – two or more sounds said closely together e.g. spl, fl, xt, ump
Children in Reception are taught handwriting and letter formation alongside their phonic learning. Children are taught the Little Wandle Rhymes to support the correct letter formation.
Spelling at Trumpington Park Primary:
As the children move from using phonetic decoding, we use No-Nonsense Spelling as a basis for teaching the variety of spelling rules that the English language follows, and often does not follow!
We continue to value the importance of learning to spell in a variety of ways that promote active and memorable learning. If you need any additional information about how you can support this at home, please speak to your child's class teacher.