Attendance at school is very important both for the wellbeing and future success of all children. At Trumpington Park, we are committed to supporting families to ensure children regularly attend school so that they can excel in their educational pathway. Below are some links to documents which you may find useful.
Term Time Absence Request Form
Term time absence is strongly discouraged.
However, if you need to request it, please ensure you submit this request IN ADVANCE of your child being absent from school.
We ask for 3 weeks' notice for admin and discussion. Decisions will be notified in writing. You may be asked to supply further information or attend a meeting to discuss your request.
The Attendance Policy followed by Meridian Trust Academies adheres to DfE and LA Guidance, which includes the use of legal action and Penalty Notices (fines currently at a rate of up to £120 per parent, per child; failure to pay may result in court proceedings). The policy is available via the trust's website (
For details of Non-attendance and the law, please refer to the Cambridgeshire County Council website.