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Trumpington Park

Primary School

Curriculum Statement

At Trumpington Park Primary School, we are dedicated to ensuring children have access to a challenging, engaging and exciting curriculum across all key subject areas.  We are committed to ensuring that all subjects of the National Curriculum are taught in detail and with interest so that children retain information during the year and beyond.  Our curriculum is based on the National Curriculum entitlements for all children in the UK.  Please find below our Curriculum Statement, which details our approach.


Statement of Intent


At Cambridge Primary Education Trust (CPET), we understand the importance of a well-rounded, fulfilling curriculum to prepare our children for the next stage of education, and for their future as citizens of the United Kingdom (U.K.) This document outlines the subjects we teach and some key information about what we do.


Mission Statement


We aim to:

  • Ensure that all children have the opportunity to learn the skills and knowledge that create active, interested and lifelong learners.
  • Provide a knowledge-rich curriculum for our children
  • Provide a variety of exciting, flexible, enjoyable and engaging learning experiences for all children whilst fully implementing the National Curriculum.
  • Enable depth of coverage and effective sequencing in order to build progression of skills.
  • Ensure that all children make at least good progress.
  • Actively seek and plan for creative links between subjects to further understanding.
  • Plan for opportunities to write for real and experienced purposes across the curriculum.


Vision Statement


Cambridge Primary Education Trust (CPET) is a multi‐academy trust formed on 1st December 2012. It comprises of Histon & Impington Infant School, Histon & Impington Junior School, Hatton Park Primary School in Longstanton, Trumpington Park Primary School and Somersham Primary School.

CPET is an exceptional partnership of like‐minded schools that is leading the way in developing new leadership models for primary education with the aim of achieving the best possible outcomes for all the children in the schools across the Trust.


The vision is to develop a self‐sustaining partnership of schools that provides an outstanding education for all their children by offering a broad and balanced curriculum whilst remaining embedded in the local community.


We believe that children learn best when they are happy, secure, respected and valued as individuals. Our schools are busy and vibrant places where we encourage children to flourish across the curriculum and to achieve their potential. Our expectations are high and the standard of care is outstanding. Staff are very committed to providing the best for the children.

We encourage our children to develop respect, open‐mindedness, honesty and tolerance for others. For each individual child we will seek to maximise their confidence, self‐esteem and independence. We have a commitment to provide an environment where the safety and well‐being of children is paramount.

You can find out more about the curriculum overview for each year group on the Key Stage pages under curriculum.