How is Maths taught at Trumpington Park Primary School?
Maths is taught daily in every year group through a mastery approach where classes, where possible, are kept together and supported through carefully planned small steps of learning. We believe that ALL children can achieve in Maths and how we plan, support and extend children is key to this achievement.
In every KS1 and KS2 lesson, there are elements of fluency, reasoning and problem solving planned to ensure children have the opportunity to broaden their understanding of key concepts and learning.
Greater depth challenges are also planned to ensure children are stretched and given opportunities to explore at depth their understanding.
Number and procedural fluency are also key skills to enable children to become successful mathematicians, so they build confidence, speed and understanding. We dedicate 30 minutes to extra fluency and counting learning each week.
Maths Mastery
Children’s chances of success are maximised if they develop deep and lasting understanding of mathematical procedures and concepts.
Mastering maths means pupils acquiring a deep, long-term, secure and adaptable understanding of the subject.
The phrase ‘teaching for mastery’ describes the elements of classroom practice and school organisation that combine to give pupils the best chances of mastering maths. Achieving mastery means acquiring a solid enough understanding of the maths that’s been taught to enable pupils to move on to more advanced material. (NCETM)
Maths in EYFS
Maths in EYFS is taught daily with a 10-15 minute teacher input and a range of carefully planned continuous provision learning opportunities. Children work in a guided group at least two times a week. There is a big focus on teaching key concepts and representations in small, achievable steps. A lot of Maths learning is also embedded into the classroom routines including registration, snack times, continuous provision and story times.
Problem solving and reasoning activities are also planned to encourage children to extend and use what they know. Sentence stems are used to encourage children to speak in full sentences and to use and understand key vocabulary.
Maths in KS1 and KS2
Maths is taught daily in classes and is taught through a mastery approach. The length of daily lessons can be flexible depending on the concept being taught however substantial time (e.g. up to 60 minutes) should be given to maths daily. The 5 aspects of teaching for mastery (see above) are evident in all lessons. This allows children to develop a deep understanding of a concept before moving on. As well as this, greater depth opportunities are planned to allow children who grasp a concept securely to further deepen their understanding and skills. These challenges are available for all children in the class.
Elements of investigation are also expected to be planned into some lessons to encourage children to use their mathematical knowledge and skills to explore open ended investigations.
As well as the daily maths lessons, children will have separate fluency sessions planned to support the development of their fluency skills (equivalent to 30 minutes per week).