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Trumpington Park

Primary School

Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)

PSHE - The Heart of our School

Personal, Social and Health Education (P.S.H.E.) is central to our curriculum and is reflected in every area of teaching and learning.  All elements of school life centre around ensuring children are given ample opportunity to understand themselves, their communities and the wider world around them.  We believe that children need safe spaces to discuss their own values and principles and be guided in the way to live a safe and happy life with the confidence to make reasoned decisions about their own choices.  We recognise it is fundamental for children to understand about physical and mental wellbeing, exploring their emotions in a safe and non-judgemental environment. The values of PSHE underpin our curriculum and our Vision statement

PSHE is at the heart of our curriculum and meaningfully threaded through all of our curriculum areas, as well as being taught as a subject of its own. PSHE is taught explicitly every week by the class teacher, who is the person with the greatest knowledge of the children, ensuring relationships are built and nurtured. Class teachers facilitate opportunities for children to work in different, collaborative groupings. A range of approaches are used in the teaching of PSHE and the use of high-quality texts is paramount, with time and space given for children to discuss and explore a range of potentially sensitive subject areas. The holistic nature of PSHE is embedded throughout the wider curriculum and school life as highlighted above.
