Uniform Information
School Uniform
Our official school wear is as follows:
Royal blue (you can purchase one with a logo from school supplier)
Polo shirts or shirt:
Pale blue or white (you can purchase one with a logo from school supplier)
Charcoal grey, black or navy blue
Summer dresses/skorts:
Blue gingham or stripes
Black flat shoes or boots (preferably not trainers)
Summer sandals with a back strap (without high heels)
A pair of wellingtons which can be kept in school (if possible).
White, grey or black socks or tights
Please ensure all pieces of uniform (including shoes) are labelled clearly to avoid anything getting lost.
TPPS Uniform Examples
PE Kit:
A plain coloured t-shirt in the house colour assigned to your child (green, red, yellow or blue) (This should not have any words, pictures or slogans on - please see example on the uniform website.)
Black or navy shorts (fitting closely enough to be safe)
We recommend PE kits brought in on a Monday (or the first day back from holiday) and remain in class through the week and taken home on a Friday.
Sports trainers
Winter wear:
Jogging bottoms
Sweatshirt (any colour but NOT a school jumper and these should not have a hood)
A spare pair of socks
Please ensure all PE uniform is labelled clearly and placed in a labelled PE bag.
Please be aware - football strip is NOT accepted for PE kit.
Jewellery, make up or nail varnish may not be worn in school. The only exceptions are watches and studs for pierced ears, which must be removed for PE lessons.
Children may wear small headbands in the school colour during the day. Long hair must be tied back for PE lessons.
TPPS PE Kit Examples
You can purchase the specific uniform and book bags with the school logo from our designated supplier Total Clothing – https://www.totalclothingshop.co.uk/tpps
Second hand uniform can be purchased at regular sales through the year, including induction events. We only ask for a small donated amount for the pre-loved items. Please contact the School Office, if you need uniform more urgently and Mrs Waterson (our Welfare Officer) will be happy to assist.