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Contact Us

Trumpington Park

Primary School

Opening Times

The School Day


Trumpington Park Primary School welcomes children into the building at 8:30am when the school gates open.  The gates then close at 8:45am when the register is taken. Please do ensure that your child is at school on time as there are valuable learning opportunities set for before and during register time. If your child is late, please come to the front office where they will be signed in. 


At home time the gates open as follows; 

EYFS gates open at 3:00 pm for collection from classroom door at 3:05 pm.

Years 1 & 2 gates open at 3:05pm for collection from classroom door at 3:10pm. 

Years 3 to 6 gates open at 3:05pm for collection from main playground at 3:15pm.


We also offer a variety of after school clubs that children can also access.


Wrap-around Care for Reception and Year 1


We are fortunate to have our on-site Pre-School offer Breakfast and After School provision run by Kids R Us. Children in Reception and Y1 can access Breakfast Club from 7:30am and After School Club until 6:00pm. Please contact them on 01223 491664 to discuss this provision.  Also, see below for the weblink for more information:

Provision for Children in Year 2 to 6


Active Play Education offer a breakfast club and afterschool club for Year 2 and above.  Please follow the weblink below for more information and costs.
