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Trumpington Park

Primary School

Term Dates

This Calendar will show you the school days without school-run clubs.

The table below shows you our term dates and training days for this academic year.  Please be advised that children do not attend school on training days, these are for staff only. 

Term Dates 2024/2025


Autumn Term 2024

Training Day                                                 Monday 2nd September 

Training Day                                                 Tuesday 3rd  September 

Autumn Term A                                            Wednesday 4th September  - Friday 25th October 

Half Term Holiday                                        Monday 28th October  - Friday 1st November 

Autumn Term B                                            Monday 4th November  - Friday 20th December 


Spring Term 2025

Training Day                                                 Monday 6th January

Spring Term A                                              Tuesday 7th January - Friday 14th February 

Half Term Holiday                                        Monday 17th February  - Friday 21st February 

Spring Term B                                               Monday 24th February  - Friday 4th April 


Summer Term 2025

Summer Term A                                          Tuesday 22nd April  - Friday 23rd May 

Bank Holiday                                                Monday 5th May 2025

Half Term                                                       Monday 26th May - Friday 30th May 

Summer Term B                                           Monday 2nd June – Friday 18th July

Training Day                                                 Friday 20th June.
